Dual-Polarimetric Radar
Scientifically speaking, light is nothing more than a type of electromagnetic energy. When conceptualized as a wave, electromagnetic energy is comprised of two oscillations: an electric wave and a magnetic wave (figure 1). These two components are oriented at right angles to each other and are self-propagating. This means that the electric wave induces the magnetic wave, which then induces the electric wave, and so on. These two waves have a specific orientation when emitted. In the case of television broadcasts, the waves are oriented with the electric field component horizontal to the ground, therefore they are considered to be horizontally polarized. Traditionally, weather radar has also been horizontally polarized, which is useful since most rain drops flatten out as they descend. However, rain is not the only target radars pick up on, thus having multiple polarities yields more information about what the radar is seeing.
Although the concept of radar with multiple polarization dates back to WWII, the first radars to actually implement it did not come about until the 1970s. However, this was limited to a few research radars, since the computing power required to process various polarity signals simultaneously and in real time did not exist on a large scale. As computing power matured, the concept of a dual-polarity ("dual-pol") radar network was considered. The remaining limiting factor was the cost of the hardware itself. To create a dual-pol network, radars would have to include equipment that switched the polarity of the beam from horizontal to vertical rapidly. Such a configuration would be far too expensive to implement. Furthermore, requiring the beam to constantly switch polarity would greatly increase the time the radar would need to complete a volume scan. The solution was to take existing radar hardware and adjust it to emit a beam at a 45 degree angle to the vertical. When this beam was backscattered back to unit, the radar's computer would separate the horizontal and vertical components of the signal and compare them as if two separate signals had been emitted. With the software and hardware now available, the National Weather Service approved a conversion of all existing WSR-88D units into dual-pol radars in 2003 and by the end of 2013 the entire NEXRAD network had been updated (figure 2).
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Figure 2: The Lubbock, TX, radar (KLBB) being upgraded for dual-pol capability. |
Dual-pol radar allows for the comparison of the strength of the horizontal and vertical components of the beam (figure 3). This does not mean the radar is able to directly detect the actual horizontal and vertical dimensions of the targets its sampling, only the general shape of the targets. This can be compared to observing a large cluster of buildings from far away. It is impossible to know how tall or wide the buildings are, but it is possible to compare their height to their width. With this knowledge, one can make some inferences about the nature of those buildings, even if their actual size is unknown. For example, observing a large cluster of buildings that were many times taller than they were wide might indicate to the observer that the buildings were part of the downtown area of a major city. On the other hand, a large number of building that were much wider than they were tall could mean they were part of an industrial district full of warehouses. Finally, a cluster of buildings whose width was generally similar to their height would likely indicate a suburban neighborhood with lots of one or two story houses. Dual-pol radar works in much the same way, however it expresses its information in the form of three different base products: differential reflectivity, correlation coefficient, and specific differential phase. The products are packaged along with the original three base products (reflectivity, velocity, and spectrum width) in the level II data stream of all dual-pol radar data.
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Figure 3: Conceptual diagram of the two different polarities measured by dual-pol radar. The E indicates that the electric portion of the wave is being shown. |
Differential Reflectivity
Commonly abbreviated as ZDR, differential reflectivity is the ratio of the power returned in the horizontal from that returned in the vertical (figure 4). Like traditional reflectivity, ZDR is expressed in dBZ (some sources label express it in units of dB), a logarithmic unit (i.e. ZDR=10*log(horizontal reflectivity/vertical reflectivity)). Therefore, positive values indicate stronger returns in the horizontal, while negative values indicate predominately vertically polarized reflectivity. Thus, this product provides information on the shape of the targets and values typically fall between -2 and +6 dB.
Since large rain drops, typically associated with heavy convective showers, tend to flatten out as they fall due to drag, areas of heavy rain will typically have ZDR values of at least 3 (figure 5). On the other hand, large hail that has accreted from multiple smaller stones tend to take on more of an irregular shape. When these fall, they tend to orient themselves vertically due to wind, generally resulting in ZDR values between -1 and 0. Very light rain, snow, ice crystals, and small hail tends to yield a ZDR near zero due to their relatively spherical nature (figures 6 and 7). Tornado debris also tends to appear as near zero values, not because the particles of debris are spherical, but because they are of all different shapes (and often rotating rapidly) the net result is nearly equal returns in the horizontal and the negative (figure 6). Biological targets such as birds and insects generally produce very large positive ZDR values because their wings are typically oriented horizontally.
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Figure 5: Drop size affects its shape and therefore its ZDR value as these images of drops captured on high speed camera during a laboratory experiment demonstrate. |
Correlation Coefficient
Often referred to simply as CC or the Greek letter rho, correlation coefficient compares the consistency between the returned power in the horizontal from that in the vertical. Therefore, little change in the orientation of targets from pulse to pulse results in high values, while inconsistent returns produce a low value. CC is expressed in unit-less values between 0 and 1, or as a percent between 0% and 100%. In general CC values between 0.97 and 1 are considered high, between 0.95 and 0.96 medium, 0.6-0.94 low, and 0-0.6 very low. Low and very low values are generally due to non-meteorological targets, medium values are often associated with a high diversity in hydrometeor (the general term for all types of precipitation) types and shapes, and high values are associated with uniform precipitation that does not consist of particles that change orientation significantly (figures 9 and 10).
One key strength of CC is its ability to highlight the melting layer. As frozen precipitation falls below the freezing level it begins to melt. While melting, these hydrometeors consist of ice coated with a layer of liquid water, resulting in high reflectivity values. On a radar display of reflectivity, this zone will appear as a "bright band" of high values, since the beam gets higher with distance. From the freezing level to the level in which all the ice has melted (leaving only rain drops) there is a wide variety of shapes present that all have different aerodynamic properties and therefore fall in slightly different ways. As a result, this melting layer will have often have CC values less than 0.95, while above and below the layer values will be very close to 1 (figures 11 and 12).
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Figure 12: A CC cross section along the leading edge of the main area of precipitation shows the lower values associated with the bright band, the center of which is indicated by the white line. |
Specific Differential Phase
This product, also known as KDP, essentially applies the concept used in radial velocity measurements to the two component polarization returns and compares them. The basis of this product is a value known as differential propagation phase (sometimes simply called differential phase). To conceptualize this measurement, consider the wave shape concept introduced in the velocity post. Recall that differences between two pulses' waves, the phase shifts, were expressed in units of degrees. To obtain differential phase the phase shift to the vertical component is subtracted from the phase shift to the horizontal component. Differential phase is additive along each radial; that is, the value will change every time the beam passes through precipitation as it propagates outward without returning to any base value. For example, imagine there are two rain shafts the radar beam encounters along a radial: the first causes a differential phase of 11 degrees, and the second causes 14 degrees. The value along the radial would be 0 until the first shower, after which each gate would keep the value of 11 degrees until reaching the second shower. After the second shower the remaining gates in the radial would not have a value of 14 degrees, but 25 degrees (the total shift), since the value never reverted back to 0. This property gives radar images of differential phase a streaked appearance that makes interpretation difficult (figure 13).
To address the issue differential reflectivity produces, specific differential reflectivity (KDP) presents difference per kilometer. Thus KDP is displayed in values of degrees per kilometer. In the example used above, KDP would be 0 between the two showers since the value of differential phase was not changing along that portion of the radial. Essentially, KDP is the gradient of differential phase with distance; the more differential phase changes with distance, the greater the KDP value. This product has been found very useful for detecting heavy rain, as that produces high KDP values, while filtering out most spherical hydrometeors, since they behave similarly in both the horizontal and vertical (figure 14). Thus, in winter weather situations, KDP can help single out areas of liquid rain. Unfortunately, the archived level II data only offers differential phase; KDP is only available in NWS offices and as level III data.
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Figure 14: The KDP image of the same storms as in figure 13 is much more meaningful and highlights areas of heavy rain. |
Level III Products (and their product codes)
Level III Differential Reflectivity (N0X, N1X, N2X, N3X, and others)
These are simply flat, individual files of the lowest few tilts of base ZDR with some quality control.
Level III Correlation Coefficient (N0C, N1C, N2C, N3C, and others)
These are simply flat, individual files of the lowest few tilts of base CC with some quality control.
Level III Specific Differential Phase (N0K, N1K, N2K, N3K, and others)
These are simply flat, individual files of the lowest few tilts of base KDP with some quality control. Note that this is specific differential phase, not differential phase (which is not offered as a level III product).
The Melting Layer Detection Algorithm (MLDA) uses ZDR and CC to try to identify the bright band by assuming it is comprised of wet snow. In cases where there is not enough echoes to reliably establish the melting layer, the MLDA uses elevations provided by either the radar operator or the most recent computer weather model output. In radar programs that support the display of the melting layer, the data will appear as four overlaid rings; typically two bold rings in the middle and two dull or dashed rings on either side of the bold ones. Since the radar beam's altitude increases with range, the rings' radius acts as sort of a proxy for their height above ground. The inner bold ring represents the altitude that the center of the beam enters the melting layer while the second bold ring represents where the center of the beam exits the melting layer. Furthermore, the innermost ring (dull or dashed in appearance) corresponds to the height at which the top of the beam enters the melting layer, while the outermost ring (dull/dashed) represents where the bottom of the beam leaves the melting layer. Therefore, all mixed phase precipitation should fall somewhere between the inner and outermost rings.
The MLDA is not without its own issues, however. In cases of intense convective updrafts the melting layer will increase locally, which may or may not be captured by the MLDA. Furthermore, the radar assumes that once the precipitation has melted, it will not refreeze. In winter weather situations, such as the area just to the cold side of a warm front, a layer of cold air will exist near the surface. If this layer is deep and/or cold enough, precipitation will refreeze and sleet or ice crystals will occur at the surface. Since this will not be picked up by the MLDA, those using radar data should check to see if there is a sharp increase in ZDR or decrease in CC below the identified melting layer if a refreezing layer is suspected (figure 15). Finally, small zig-zag patterns often appear on the melting layer rings (figure 16). Since the MLDA is highly sensitive to the radar's tilt, the slight wobble that occurs as the radar settles after it changes its tilt during scanning will produce these small errors. The longer the radar takes to complete a scan, the more errors will occur. Therefore, in clear air modes, such as VCP 32, far more errors will be noticeable than in fast scans such as VCP 12.
Hydrometeor Classification (HCC, N0H, N1H, N2H, N3H, and others)
The Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm (HCA) might be seen as the ultimate product of the dual-pol upgrade. The HCA uses every base product, except spectrum width, along with the output from the MLDA to try to determine what the primary type of target the radar is sampling (figure 17). It is imperative to remember that the HCA only estimates the type of target it is sampling at the height of the beam. This means that while the HCA might indicate snow, it may be raining at the surface, since the snow has melted between the level of the radar beam and the ground. Due largely to its association with the MLDA, it also assumes a refreezing layer does not exist, thus it may indicate rain even if that rain has refroze into sleet. Above all, the HCA is a new technology that is regularly being revised, so expect some errors to occur and cross-reference its output with other base products (figures 18 and 19).
A special product of the HCA is the Hybrid Hydrometeor Classification (HCC). This product decides what best estimate of target type is being sampled for each gate in the best/lowest available scan. This information is then sent to the dual-pol precipitation products: OHA and PTA (see the radar post on reflectivity). Since the relationship between reflectivity and precipitation amount varies with the type of precipitation, the HCC information allows the proper reflectivity-precipitation algorithm to be applied to each gate, greatly improving the accuracy of the precipitation products. Like the other HCA products, this product is still very much a work in progress, but early studies have already found it to be much more accurate than the old precipitation estimation methods.
Note: Much of the information used in these radar posts was based on content covered in the Weather Radar Handbook (2013) and Severe Storm Forecasting (2009) both by Tim Vasquez and published by Weather Graphics Technologies.
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