
Lots of potential, but not much happening...

The outlook in the tropics is rather chaotic today. The big storm, Typhoon Sanba, is quickly losing its tropical characteristics, but will still be quite strong when it makes landfall in South Korea. The inflow of Sanba has helped sustain as weak, but very stubborn, Invest area  (91W) near the Philippines for days. To the east and southeast of that are several cloud clusters I'm keeping my eye on. In the East Pacific, Kristy has become a depression and should dissipate soon, while Tropical Storm Lane has become more intense than previously forecasted, but should have a short life. Finally in the Atlantic, Nadine remains a weak hurricane, but will likely be weakening soon as it gains latitude. The wild cards are two Atlantic Invest areas (92L and 93L), 92L is associated with a tropical wave and has been moving across the Atlantic for a few days, yet it does not currently contain much activity. 93L was just identified off the coast of Southern Texas. It has a small window of opportunity as it heads northeastward to develop, but regardless of development, it should give the Gulf coast some stormy weather.
By the way, on the TC summaries, Invest areas will feature a water vapor image of the whole basin instead of the text data that the rest of them have.

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